Thursday, May 24, 2007


Alright, the week is over... Well almost.

June is quickly approaching. For me... that means Crunch Time.

I had to do a Law essay for well... Law based on Capital Punishment in Canada, I had a month to do it. I did it in 2 hours yesterday. I accept that my procrastination was an irresponsible move, but what are you going to do? I am young and immature, that is how I am supposed to be until like ... what... 18? When I can legally do things on my own without parental signatures.

My Joseph Stalin Biography is due tomorrow, which... I am almost finished, just about maybe...150 more words minimum. Stupid English, I don't need it. I spoke Anglais Fine.

My psychology project will be presented on June... 8th ?? I don't remember, which is irresponsible on my part because.. that is when I have to present. It is about Munchhausen Syndrome and Munchhausen syndrome by proxy. Which is pretty dang interesting.

Math, I am starting to take responsibility in my work! I have started going to school early in the morning at 7:20 am to get extra help so that my mark will be better than it is now. Stupid questions like "Find the two roots of 12x^2 + 14 - 13x" I now understand.

Next year will be soo easy with an average of like 85% + all computer classes. With 1 gym course, 1 Entrepeunerial Skills course and a philosophy course... then I am done highschool YAY!


Monday, May 14, 2007

What A Wonderful Weekend

What a wonderful weekend... for the hospital.

My grandfather on my fathers side is like in Palliative Care (A treatment that provides symptomatic relief but not a cure.) ...He aint leavin' alive.

My grandmother on my mothers side is in the hospital for some reason?

Which means, my mother and my father are in the same building. By the end of the week my mother or father will injure the other and the hospital will have to take another one of my family members into care.

What an event filled weekend. Stupid School Tomorrow.

My heart bleeds no more
now, it's been turned to stone.
Your stomach feels sick for someone else.
I've broken both my legs falling for you.
Drag me on the ground.

Powerless I stand,
tarnished blade,
cutting through,
pushed into my vein.
Blood still stains my hands.
Sharpening in my sense of pain outside.

my heart bleeds no more.
now, it's been turned to stone.
You're stomach feels sick for someone else.
I've broken both my legs falling for you.
Drag me on the ground.
Killing everything off inside.
Make sense of everything you tried to hide,
hide from me.

My heart bleeds no more;
now, it's been turned to stone.
My stomach feels sore from cutting up.
I ruined all my sanctity for you.
Smash me on the ground.

I wanted to, convince myself there's nothing else to do.
I wanted to, provide you with proof of what you put me through.
I wanted to, pretend that it was you.
(you're the worst thing that ever happened to me.)


Killing everything off inside.
Make sense of everything you tried to hide, hide from me.
My heart bleeds no more;
now, it's been turned to stone.
You're stomach feels sick for someone else.
I've broken both my legs falling for you.
Smash me on the ground.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


So yesterday after 6 years Tara has got her braces off. So proud for her. She looks lovely.

During the Relay for Life, I walked around with the schools video camera all day and captured 3 hours of video. I am editing it now, but I have edited about 1 hour of it, cutting out about 15 minutes.

I have submit an application online to work for the recreational centre, but... online applications are never looked at in my opinion.


Friday, May 4, 2007

Relay For Life Today

YAY! I am running Security at my school's Relay For Life! I get a shirt and a walkie talkie to make me feel special! I will be there longer than anyone else. 9 am to 2 am that's a long time! But, it gets me community Service hours :)

This day also marks 14 months with Tara... that is a long time too!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Bike Like new

YAY! My bike is like new again!!

My bike was so broken it was embarrasing to use. The back tire was warped, the brakes were gone, the gears didn't work, the chain was noisy...and for $140 it got fixed they replaced it all with new parts.

I looked at my bank account and saw that there was only $21 left over. So, I REALLY need to go to the recreation centre and get an application, but I don't know when to go! I'll need to ride my bike there.

Well I guess having money in there is good, because It is still money left over from when I worked in the summer.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Got Stood Up

Yesterday, I woke up at 7 am to go to work with Corey. He didn't show up. He didn't even call, so I couldn't go back to sleep! Grrr, I hate that!

That is all. Thank you.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tiring weekend

I am so unbelievably tired right now. Who with the right mind wakes up at 7 am on a Sunday? That is just crazy. It is because I am working with Corey today, apparently emptying out The Bay in Shoppers World. I like moving things :, I am 'working' 8 - 4, to be honest I don't even know what is going to happen in the next 10 mins. Is he coming to pick me up? Does he know where I live??

Last night I went to a friend's birthday party. We went Roller Skating, with those really old school rollerskates at Scooters Roller Palace. It was fun, I caught on instantly while others didn't know how to do it. We skated from 8 - 1 didn't get home till 2 am geez, thats like 5 hours sleep for me. Corey better buy me a coffee.

About the housing situation, I am fine with my fathers decision, as it is quite apparent he took me into consideration.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Relay For Life

On May 4th, my school is doing a "Relay For Life" from 11am - 11 pm, and there are teams of 10 people. Each team has to raise $1000 to take part in the events, which works out to about $100 a person. I need to raise $100 before May 2nd, and going door to door won't work because, who will give money to a strange teenager? Now if I was 10 years old, nobody would have a problem giving me money. Its not that I don't want to miss the activities because, I am in it no matter what...I am a big macho security guard, hell I even get a shirt! I just don't want to be the only one in the team that fails to raise the money and have the whole team miss out on the fun because of me.

So, 2 weeks ago, I lend my father $20. 3 days later he pays it back with interest ($25) so I leave it on the table. Then while I was sleeping, he knowingly took my money! Money that I had planned use for! What is it called when you take someone's money without asking?! Oh I remember! Stealing! What a $%^@$ He is.

Anyways, I got my forum back up it looks way better now. I urge all who reads this to check it out here:

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


What is so good about my father's girlfriend (KIM)??? Why does she have any say at all where I move to, nevermind having all the say. That is the sad part. I tell him I want to live on Enmount, he says ok. Then Kim comes along and says "No, I like this house" SO my dad of course being such an idiot says "OKAY! Screw Michael, Kim is more important" GOD DAMNIT FATHER! SHE WON'T EVEN BE LIVING WITH US!!! IF she ever does live there, I won't be. He told me that the bank's won't give him a mortgage for the house. Last night, I asked him if he even tried he went around that so basically telling me he didn't try. He tried to tell me that the house's foundation was going, then I called his bluff again telling him I know the 2 people that own the other houses in the same building and one across the street. I can get them all to prove him wrong. That is when my father knows he lost the battle. HE lost the battle to his son. I bet you he never saw that coming. Did he admit it? No, of course not. His male pride overpowers everything, except Kim of course.

He said if I could get at least one email from the guys that live there saying that there is nothing wrong with the house then ... I don't even know. I guess he doesn't think that I will actually go do all that.

Whatever, he can go burn somewhere.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Haven't Posted in awhile.

I haven't posted in awhile because... I have had nothing to post about...

I'll start off with I NEED A JOB. I really want that Geo on the road A.S.A.P and for that to happen, I have to get a job. I found a nice cheap insurance company where I only have to pay $250. Belair Direct :)

I am also moving into a house soon ... YAY! So it would be troublesome for me to get a job then having to move.

I still am waiting to hear from Dennis about a job at the Recreation Centre!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Aw Friday :)

So it is Friday, afterschool today I will most likely be with my friends until 12 as normal at her house.

Last night I finished my stupid law essay, I know I did it wrong, but some mark is better than no mark.

Yesterday in my 3rd period class, a friend of mine asked me why people don't think I'm gay! I was in shock, I asked why people would think such things. She said because I know a lot about girls and there emotion. I laughed and blamed it on my 10 sisters.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Yesterday I went bowling with my friend's and her soccer team. It was pretty fun, only five pin though, but really fun. There was free pizza, free drinks, cookies everything! I was in heaven, also because I was bowling with the whole girls soccer team. I sucked at it as always but it was all in good fun. Afterwards, we sat around while the parents cleaned up and my friend Andrew was fooling around on a pool table and chipped the cue ball in at least 10 different spots. How disrespectful. pfft. This Andrew guy has had a girlfriend for over 3 and a half months and his mother still doesn't know about the relationship. The longer he waits to tell his mother the more upset I can see her being. At the end of the night I told Tara that she was the best looking one at the bowling alley, she was happy.

My cousin Corey Thompson was there, and he isn't so bad, he is more gangsta than white but it's fine.

I have to do another law essay tonight that is due tomorrow about a movie called "Twelve Angry Men" Some movie about juries.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Playoffs Are Today

The NHL playoffs begin today, I could care less because my team isn't a part of it :(

I am going to my rich friend's (Cassandra) soccer fundraiser tonight. We are going bowling. What fun eh?

In my Law class we will be watching an interesting two part documentary called to kill or heal. Something about capital punishment.

What fun today will be.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Boring Day

You want to know how my day went? Then read on.

Period One
Did my (MATH) work and was surprised to be called down to the Guidance Office. I found out that I was not allowed to take two gym courses. So on the advice of my counselor, if I wanted to go to Graphic or Web Design for my future career I will most likely have to go solo so I took Entrepreneurial Studies.

Period Two
My English teacher told me my mark (72) and I decided to catch up on some work. Then we started reading a book called "Animal Farm" Then one page in she stopped and told us to draw a picture of what the scene looks like. God she teaches like we are in kindergarten.

Period Three
They finished watching a black and white film while I played NHL 07 on my PSP.

Period Five
Went over Canadian Legal System and how we inherited it from the British and we discussed capitalism and capital punishment.

OOOO Today during lunch I was invited to a Birthday party on the 28th at Scooters Roller Palace. What Fun! I asked to use my father's car for that day and he still insists I need insurance! GAH! Where can I find proof that I don't if I am using his car?!?!

New Schedule

I have found a new schedule I should stick to.

6:00 AM - Wake up
6:00.30 - Turn on News Talk Radio
6:01 AM - Get Dressed
6:02 AM - Turn on Computer
6:02.30 - Turn on Kettle
6:03 AM - Log on on the computer
6:03.30 - Urinate
6:04 - 6:30 - Whatever I want
6:30 - Make breakfast
6:50 - Get ready for school
7:00 - leave

See, not that hard. This morning I was just downloading and listening to music when I discovered another amazing Alexisonfire song. It is called Accidents. Check out out home slice. It reminds me of sitting in the Hospital/Doctor's office waiting room, although I am not there very often, maybe once a year, and most of the time it is because A sister is having a baby and nothing to do with me.

I'm not sure what's worse
The waiting or the waiting room
"You're next sir" becomes a cruel taunt to you
recycled air, the smell of sleep and disinfectant
Your God is a two door elevator

Do they even cure you
(cut me open drug me)
Or is it just to humor us before we die
(repair all my defects)
If only we could heal ourselves
We wouldn't.. need to be hooked up to these machines

Whoa whoa whoa...

Let's redefine (6x)
What it means to heal

Do they even cure you
(cut me open drug me)
Or is it just to humor us before we die
(repair all my defects)
If Only we could heal ourselves
We wouldn't.. need to be hooked up to these machines

Whoa whoa whoa...

Monday, April 9, 2007


Well I slept well last night, woke up at 11:30 PM. To no surprise my dad didn't let me use the car today. He was using it all day. He was nice enough to drive me to Tara's though and pick me up. Nothing big happened today so I'll leave you with a good song called "Happiness By The Kilowatt" be Alexisonfire

So this is continuous happiness
You know, I always
Imagined it something more
With the right drapes, the right paints
The right frames, this could really work
What a great day to spend indoors

Wake, wake up, wake, wake up
Wake, wake up, wake, wake up
Wake, wake up, wake, wake up
Wake, wake up, wake, wake up

In a hail of sparks
And a tangle of wires
Everything went wrong

So where has all the day gone?
And why are my lungs aching when I breathe?
Is there something wrong with the heat?
Why am I so cold?
And my heart feels sick
And it hurts when I speak
And this is not what I hoped for

Wake, wake up, wake, wake up
Wake, wake up, wake, wake up
Wake, wake up, wake, wake up
Wake, wake up, wake, wake up

Was this what we hoped for?

Was this what we hoped for?
Was this what we hoped for?

Was this what we hoped for?

Was this what we hoped for?
Was this?

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Yesterday at Orillia went well. The Leafs had a very important and outstanding win versus the Montreal Canadians 5 - 4. Last night I didn't get home until 12:30 AM. I went straight to bed.

In order for the Leafs to be in the playoffs, the New York Islanders had to lose tonight against New Jersey. But the stupid Lou Lammerelo did not play Brodeur, instead he played the less experienced Scott Clemmenson, causing the Devils to lose and the Islanders to take Toronto's playoff position.

Tomorrow my dad has the day off of work, and most likely has nothing to do tomorrow. I am going to see if he'll let me use his car for a couple hours. Just to visit people and drive around. I hope he'll let me. But very doubtful.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Big Day

This could most likely be the Leafs Last game this year or the beginning of the playoffs. They have to win in regulation time against the Montreal Canadians and hope that New York Islanders lose at least one of their next two games for the to make the playoffs.

Today, I am traveling to Orillia with Tara and her family to have some kind of dinner with her We'll leave at one and get back... god only knows when. The only downside to going would be that there is a great chance that I will be missing the last game of the season for the Toronto Maple Leafs and what has been named the most important, exciting game of the season for both teams.

Yesterday was what me and my group of friends like to call "Friday". Not the day of the week, but it is what we call our little get together. Every Friday afterschool, a couple of friends of mine (Cassandra, Cassandra, Tara, Andrew) and I get together and fool around in Cassandra's basement. She is rich, rich I tells ya. She has an Xbox 360, 84 inch flat screen high definition TV to play the Xbox, a pool table, an air hockey table and a foosball table. We fool around down there and her mother always orders us pizza.

So that is what is what.

Friday, April 6, 2007

What is with the damn snow?

For three straight days, there has been snow falling from the supposed Spring sky. The first day I was okay with it snowing because it always snows at least once in the month of April. I guess all this snow is making up for all the warm weather up to January and the warm spell in the middle of February or was it March? I can't remember, and it doesn't matter.

Last night I babysat my six year old cousin Robert. My dad didn't let me drive there, but when I got there my Aunt Marianne allowed me to drive my Grandmother around the block which was fun. Anyways, when they left me and Robert just fooled around then he went on the computer. The phone rang, so I went to answer it. I heard Robert giggling in the other room, I just thought he was having fun, so I didn't think anything of it. I hung up the phone, and heard Robert saying "This is a fun game!" I go into the room to find Robert playing the most inappropriate game for anyone under the age of 18. The game was called "Sexy Strip Quiz". It was a quiz of what some girl liked, and everyone you got right, she would remove an article of clothing. I laughed, I was trying to tell Robert he shouldn't be playing such a game while laughing, and I closed it for him. I watched the Leafs game while he was looking at the new TMNT movie on the internet. Boy, that kid is good with the computers.

So, I watched the Leafs game and... nevermind. Let us just hope they win in regulation time tomorrow.

Oh ya, and that "earthquake" I felt two nights ago, was just my bike falling over.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

What was that?

Last night when I was lying in bed, I felt the whole house shake (I think), but I swear to god that is was an earth quake. Unless of course, I was sleeping.

The Toronto Maple Leafs second last game is tonight! I hope they win! Anyways, I don't have much to say other that I have to leave for school now.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

YAY! (for superstitions)

YAY!! Yesterday I believed in every possible superstition.

1. The astrological calender said if you wore red that day, good luck will come
2. Had Tara's necklace in my pocket
3. Believed in myself.

I passed. The instructor just told me what to do and I did it. At the end the only thing he said was "pass" gave me a sheet of paper and walked out. I was so relieved. I can sleep again.

Last night my cousin had a play entitled "Guys & Dolls". I know it is mean, I also know that it was only a middle school play grades 6 - 8 but the sound and lighting was crap. This one girl sang so high, my ears bled. But, all in all... it was acceptable.

So, now that I have my G2, one would normally think I would have less restrictions on driving. But, Ministry removes restrictions, so my father adds some. He said "When you had your G1 you were just a learner, but now that you have your G2 you have to be insured" I tell him other wise, but me only being 16, I am apparently not a reliable source of information.

He decided to ask his buddies at work. He came home saying that the insurance companies aren't stupid. He said that if I am a secondary driver on one car, but am a primary driver on another car, they won't insure me. Even I know that is bull. So, I took some initiative and emailed his insurance company hoping to get the expected response I am looking for.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Day Has Come

Alright, last night despite my test being today, I slept amazingly well.

Last night, for the second time I have got mail. My new license was in there for my new address.Hehe, IF I pass today they are going to have to send me another one.

So anyways, my driving test is today, I really hope I pass because I don't want the money my Mother and Paul so generously lent to me to go to waste.

Things I have to remember.
1. Look everywhere
2. Slow on right turns
3. look for pedestrians when turning left

I really hope I pass, I also hope that my instructor will let me drive there.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Damn Dreams

Alright, I did sleep well last night despite my driving test being tomorrow. Gah, why does it have to rain tomorrow?

Well anyways, I dreamt I was living in Hornby and my mother left me a white van to use while she was away. The problem was, it was Tuesday, the day of my G2 test. I decided to drive to the local gas station to, as weird as it sounds... to make a sandwich. A cop somehow realized I only had my G1 and was driving alone. He was waiting for me outside the gas station. I managed to take long enough for the officer to go away. But still, a very odd dream.

Last night though, before I went to bed I Was cutting my fingernails and one of my nail clippings rocketed up an got stuck in my eye. I washed my eye out for like 30 minutes, when the pain stopped. My eye was extremely watering and very red. I thought it was out until I woke up this morning. When I opened my eyes first thing this morning, I felt the nail clipping. I got it out now. I am staring at that little bugger. What an evil nail clipping.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

What A Wierd Day

Well, today I did the finishing touches for and then out of nowhere, my sister Nicole sent me a message on MSN. It said
"yo wtf youre nude on this photo :-O"
I was worried at first, then I thought it might be an April Fool's joke, so I clicked on it and it prompted me to download a file. My common sense clicked in "Why would I have to download a picture, and why is the file extension .PHP"

I remembered that my forum has .PHP extension. Then on MSN my sister just kept repeating it over and over again. That is when I realized I had a hostage situation going on. My sister was taken hostage by a Trojan Virus and it was sending reproducing itself on each one of her friend's MSN. I hope nobody fell for it.

I fixed it for her while gaining $2.00 for myself. I told her to download Mozilla Firefox for faster, more secure web browsing, McAfee SiteAdvisor to tell her what websites have adware and spyware, Ad-Aware to help remove spyware and ZoneAlarm to keep intruders out and to keep personal things in.

I am going to hack into the virus' website just to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Hopefully she wouldn't have to go to the extreme of reformatting her computer.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

What an evil dream

Well last night, I did get some sleep but the dream was evil.

I dreamt that I got myself an easy slack-off job that paid $50 per hour and I only had to work 3 hours a day. I was so happy because that meant all my worries just disappeared. Like the $130 for the driving instructor's car, the expensive insurance and all that mumbo jumbo responsibilities.

*sigh, if only things disappeared that easily, everybody would be happy; but careless.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Today = Death

Well, today started out like any other day except, my right hand nails were painted.

When I took out my bike to get ready to start the long journey to school I discovered such a terrible thing! My back tire is warped. That is not good, and it started to start a small snowball effect. With the tire warped, the back brakes kept hitting up against the tire making it impossible, or extremely hard to well, move. So I had to do what I had to do, I dismantled the brakes for now, until I fix my tire. So now I have (barely) only the front brakes, but that is fine. My bicycle has been abused so much in the last eight months, it is unbelievable. So to nobodies surprise the chain is EXTREMELY rusted. Rusted to the point where it sounds like medal grinding medal for every push on the pedals. My bike is dying.

At school I had a math quiz, oh it was extremely easy. My teacher has the intelligence of your average fire hydrant. Me and my neighbour just worked on the "quiz" together. Keep in mind though, I had to cover my nails so I wouldn't be teased(although I could care less what other people think of me). I did however flaunt my nails to the girls because, they won't threaten to kill me. One girl said she loved me because I didn't care what other people thought of me. I believe that is a good quality of mine. Anyways...

During my Law class, my teacher (Mr. Ball) who I love oh so dearly because he is old. I like older teachers because they've been around and seen way more than me. He also acts like one of us. Like he doesn't care if he gets fired, he has been voted by the graduating class 3 - 4 years in a row for the best teacher. So, in my law class as usual all Mr. Ball did was lecture us, and take up some questions from the previous day. To be honest, I fell asleep a couple times to catch up with the lack of sleep from last night *points to previous post*.

My "Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology" class or "anthro" as I like to call it is probably the most boring class ever. I am not interested in that course yet. We just finished our Anthropology unit, which I hate because I could care less about the neanderthals and all other species before them. We are starting a new unit of Psychology which looks like something I'd be interested in, hopefully I will be. I had a supply teacher today who replaced my regular teacher (Ms. Hollingsworth) my supply teacher (Mr. Cohen) is an amazing supply teacher. He is nice and well respected by everybody, so if Mr. Cohen asks you nicely to do your work, you would do it.

During my English class, which the teacher (Ms. Emmett) I utterly hate to no end. Probably because she is barely 23 years old and is the biggest slut in the world. Every time she attempts to teach, I can't take her seriously because she reminds me of my beloved older sister Frances who is the same age as her. When I think of Fran trying to teach me something I just laugh. Honestly though, I've laughed a couple times at Ms. Emmett because somewhere deep inside me tells me I am smarter than her, just because I believe she is too young to be teaching grade eleven English. She should be teaching kindergarten until she reached a respectable high school teacher age of like... 40. Anyways, in my English class we are doing a unit on music, which I honestly think is a complete waste of my time. Every class for the past week all we do is sit there listening to music. Today she was basically selling us our homework. There was a CD with five instrumental songs on it and we had to pick one to write lyrics for, she is selling each CD for 50 cents. I refuse to pay for my classwork not only because it is illegal to download FREE music and sell it, but because I shouldn't have to pay my teacher to do her job.

After school, I played a long game of road hockey. I played goalie for a bit and played as a forward for the rest of the game. There was this one kid, named Eric and he called me "fat-ass". I laughed so hard, how can I possibly be a so-called "fat-ass"? I then asked him where he gets off saying that to me. To ME!! Okay, well anyways he kept running his mouth so I challenged him to a one-on-one game of road hockey up to six. It was the roughest game I have played in a while. I checked him and slashed him so many times to the point of which he went home. To be honest he beat me 6 - 3, but I was too busy giving him a rough time. After he left we continued to play. I am dead. My body is dead. Dead tired that is. I am just going to lay on my comfy couch with a can of coke and find something on the boob tube.

Can't get any sleep!

I did not get any sleep last night, and I probably won't get much sleep in the nights to come. My road test keeps playing through in my head. I can't sleep because I keep thinking to myself what would happen, if I got the $130 to use my instructors car, or if I had to use my dad's car or the worst dreaded possibility, having to cancel my test because I don't have a car to use.

Argh, then I think about what will happen if I pass, what I would do. It is like Christmas eve, I cannot sleep when I am excited.

Ugh, hurry up Tuesday so I can get everything done and over with.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

What a wonderful day

I spent this lovely day with my lovely girlfriend. We went to the mall and basically "window" shopped. We didn't buy anything so we took the bus back to her place.

We watched a movie called "Diary Of A Mad Black Woman". It was a good movie. I liked it, and more importantly she loved it. After that we played Medal Of Honor Heroes and then she painted my nails. So basically I had a wonderful day and to top it off, I got to drive home. *sigh* I like driving.

So now I have my right hand nails painted pink and no nail polish remover. *sigh. Whatever, I'll just go to school tomorrow with painted nails, because I am cool like that.

I get to go

Well, Tara agreed to let me go to the mall with her, as long as I don't call her fat and ugly, which I'm 87% sure I never said those two words directed towards her. I will call her pretty :).

I have to take the bus but I only have one bus ticket, so what I will do is walk there and take the bus back. I don't know how long it will take me to get to the mall, but I'll give myself an hour and fifteen minutes to get there.

Hopefully, this will help our relationship last longer and still have her love.

Before I planned to go to the mall, I arranged with some friends of mine to play hockey today, but I could play hockey with them any day, and I'd rather Tara over hockey as well. Well, they can play without me, hopefully.

I also have my road test for my G2 license on Tuesday, but I can't get it out of my head. I need $130 to use my instructors car, and I've already booked my instructors car so I could use it on that day, now if I don't get the money I'd have to cancel with my instructor and hopefully get to use my father's car, which I am not used to. If he won't let me use his car, then I am royally screwed. I would have to cancel my road test and lose the money I paid for the road test and would have to get the money back somehow and book another one.

So basically, me getting my G2 license on Tuesday April 4th rides on the $130. Hopefully I can get it. If not I need to know 48 hours in advance of my road test so I don't actually lose the money I paid for the road test.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Well in the past Tara (my girlfriend), has liked this other guy Devon and it made me oh so jealous. When I heard they skipped two classes and both times they almost kissed each other I was furious. We got over it and second semester has started. Now they don't see each other very often.

Lately though, she has been e-mailing Devon asking him what would become of them two if they have kissed. They also talked about how they would like to be alone with one another sometime soon.

Should I be worried? Or are they just two friends that want to see each other? With the past those two have shared together, I should be worried. I am.

Well, tomorrow she has the literacy test and I don't because I have already taken the test. I'm afraid that tomorrow will be her and Devon's chance to be alone together. I have asked Tara if I can join her in going to the mall, but she insists that I stay home because apparently I called her fat and ugly, which I would never say those things to her.

So, ya ... that is what is on my mind now. I don't want to leave her, I want her to love and want to be with me, not Devon.

Too Early

Every weekday, I have to wake up at six in the morning. That is way too early, seeing how my school starts at 8:3o. But, you see... I leave quite far from the school, but I ride my bike and most of the time I stop off in the morning to see my girlfriend and end up leaving my bike there and walking with Tara the rest of the way to school.

But every morning, my alarm clock goes off at 6 AM, and every nine minutes until 6:30 AM I hit the snooze button expecting it to all go away. I then turn on the computer, make a bowl of cereal and turn on the NHL network to see hockey highlights from the night before. Then I basically just fool around on the computer until 6:50. That is when I begin to get ready, you know... brush my teeth... and all that other hygienic stuff.

Well, it is 6:48 AM. I should leave to start getting ready for school,