Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Boring Day

You want to know how my day went? Then read on.

Period One
Did my (MATH) work and was surprised to be called down to the Guidance Office. I found out that I was not allowed to take two gym courses. So on the advice of my counselor, if I wanted to go to Graphic or Web Design for my future career I will most likely have to go solo so I took Entrepreneurial Studies.

Period Two
My English teacher told me my mark (72) and I decided to catch up on some work. Then we started reading a book called "Animal Farm" Then one page in she stopped and told us to draw a picture of what the scene looks like. God she teaches like we are in kindergarten.

Period Three
They finished watching a black and white film while I played NHL 07 on my PSP.

Period Five
Went over Canadian Legal System and how we inherited it from the British and we discussed capitalism and capital punishment.

OOOO Today during lunch I was invited to a Birthday party on the 28th at Scooters Roller Palace. What Fun! I asked to use my father's car for that day and he still insists I need insurance! GAH! Where can I find proof that I don't if I am using his car?!?!

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