Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New Schedule

I have found a new schedule I should stick to.

6:00 AM - Wake up
6:00.30 - Turn on News Talk Radio
6:01 AM - Get Dressed
6:02 AM - Turn on Computer
6:02.30 - Turn on Kettle
6:03 AM - Log on on the computer
6:03.30 - Urinate
6:04 - 6:30 - Whatever I want
6:30 - Make breakfast
6:50 - Get ready for school
7:00 - leave

See, not that hard. This morning I was just downloading and listening to music when I discovered another amazing Alexisonfire song. It is called Accidents. Check out out home slice. It reminds me of sitting in the Hospital/Doctor's office waiting room, although I am not there very often, maybe once a year, and most of the time it is because A sister is having a baby and nothing to do with me.

I'm not sure what's worse
The waiting or the waiting room
"You're next sir" becomes a cruel taunt to you
recycled air, the smell of sleep and disinfectant
Your God is a two door elevator

Do they even cure you
(cut me open drug me)
Or is it just to humor us before we die
(repair all my defects)
If only we could heal ourselves
We wouldn't.. need to be hooked up to these machines

Whoa whoa whoa...

Let's redefine (6x)
What it means to heal

Do they even cure you
(cut me open drug me)
Or is it just to humor us before we die
(repair all my defects)
If Only we could heal ourselves
We wouldn't.. need to be hooked up to these machines

Whoa whoa whoa...

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