Thursday, April 12, 2007


Yesterday I went bowling with my friend's and her soccer team. It was pretty fun, only five pin though, but really fun. There was free pizza, free drinks, cookies everything! I was in heaven, also because I was bowling with the whole girls soccer team. I sucked at it as always but it was all in good fun. Afterwards, we sat around while the parents cleaned up and my friend Andrew was fooling around on a pool table and chipped the cue ball in at least 10 different spots. How disrespectful. pfft. This Andrew guy has had a girlfriend for over 3 and a half months and his mother still doesn't know about the relationship. The longer he waits to tell his mother the more upset I can see her being. At the end of the night I told Tara that she was the best looking one at the bowling alley, she was happy.

My cousin Corey Thompson was there, and he isn't so bad, he is more gangsta than white but it's fine.

I have to do another law essay tonight that is due tomorrow about a movie called "Twelve Angry Men" Some movie about juries.

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