Wednesday, April 4, 2007

YAY! (for superstitions)

YAY!! Yesterday I believed in every possible superstition.

1. The astrological calender said if you wore red that day, good luck will come
2. Had Tara's necklace in my pocket
3. Believed in myself.

I passed. The instructor just told me what to do and I did it. At the end the only thing he said was "pass" gave me a sheet of paper and walked out. I was so relieved. I can sleep again.

Last night my cousin had a play entitled "Guys & Dolls". I know it is mean, I also know that it was only a middle school play grades 6 - 8 but the sound and lighting was crap. This one girl sang so high, my ears bled. But, all in all... it was acceptable.

So, now that I have my G2, one would normally think I would have less restrictions on driving. But, Ministry removes restrictions, so my father adds some. He said "When you had your G1 you were just a learner, but now that you have your G2 you have to be insured" I tell him other wise, but me only being 16, I am apparently not a reliable source of information.

He decided to ask his buddies at work. He came home saying that the insurance companies aren't stupid. He said that if I am a secondary driver on one car, but am a primary driver on another car, they won't insure me. Even I know that is bull. So, I took some initiative and emailed his insurance company hoping to get the expected response I am looking for.

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