Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tiring weekend

I am so unbelievably tired right now. Who with the right mind wakes up at 7 am on a Sunday? That is just crazy. It is because I am working with Corey today, apparently emptying out The Bay in Shoppers World. I like moving things :, I am 'working' 8 - 4, to be honest I don't even know what is going to happen in the next 10 mins. Is he coming to pick me up? Does he know where I live??

Last night I went to a friend's birthday party. We went Roller Skating, with those really old school rollerskates at Scooters Roller Palace. It was fun, I caught on instantly while others didn't know how to do it. We skated from 8 - 1 didn't get home till 2 am geez, thats like 5 hours sleep for me. Corey better buy me a coffee.

About the housing situation, I am fine with my fathers decision, as it is quite apparent he took me into consideration.

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