Friday, April 6, 2007

What is with the damn snow?

For three straight days, there has been snow falling from the supposed Spring sky. The first day I was okay with it snowing because it always snows at least once in the month of April. I guess all this snow is making up for all the warm weather up to January and the warm spell in the middle of February or was it March? I can't remember, and it doesn't matter.

Last night I babysat my six year old cousin Robert. My dad didn't let me drive there, but when I got there my Aunt Marianne allowed me to drive my Grandmother around the block which was fun. Anyways, when they left me and Robert just fooled around then he went on the computer. The phone rang, so I went to answer it. I heard Robert giggling in the other room, I just thought he was having fun, so I didn't think anything of it. I hung up the phone, and heard Robert saying "This is a fun game!" I go into the room to find Robert playing the most inappropriate game for anyone under the age of 18. The game was called "Sexy Strip Quiz". It was a quiz of what some girl liked, and everyone you got right, she would remove an article of clothing. I laughed, I was trying to tell Robert he shouldn't be playing such a game while laughing, and I closed it for him. I watched the Leafs game while he was looking at the new TMNT movie on the internet. Boy, that kid is good with the computers.

So, I watched the Leafs game and... nevermind. Let us just hope they win in regulation time tomorrow.

Oh ya, and that "earthquake" I felt two nights ago, was just my bike falling over.

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