Thursday, May 24, 2007


Alright, the week is over... Well almost.

June is quickly approaching. For me... that means Crunch Time.

I had to do a Law essay for well... Law based on Capital Punishment in Canada, I had a month to do it. I did it in 2 hours yesterday. I accept that my procrastination was an irresponsible move, but what are you going to do? I am young and immature, that is how I am supposed to be until like ... what... 18? When I can legally do things on my own without parental signatures.

My Joseph Stalin Biography is due tomorrow, which... I am almost finished, just about maybe...150 more words minimum. Stupid English, I don't need it. I spoke Anglais Fine.

My psychology project will be presented on June... 8th ?? I don't remember, which is irresponsible on my part because.. that is when I have to present. It is about Munchhausen Syndrome and Munchhausen syndrome by proxy. Which is pretty dang interesting.

Math, I am starting to take responsibility in my work! I have started going to school early in the morning at 7:20 am to get extra help so that my mark will be better than it is now. Stupid questions like "Find the two roots of 12x^2 + 14 - 13x" I now understand.

Next year will be soo easy with an average of like 85% + all computer classes. With 1 gym course, 1 Entrepeunerial Skills course and a philosophy course... then I am done highschool YAY!


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