Monday, May 14, 2007

What A Wonderful Weekend

What a wonderful weekend... for the hospital.

My grandfather on my fathers side is like in Palliative Care (A treatment that provides symptomatic relief but not a cure.) ...He aint leavin' alive.

My grandmother on my mothers side is in the hospital for some reason?

Which means, my mother and my father are in the same building. By the end of the week my mother or father will injure the other and the hospital will have to take another one of my family members into care.

What an event filled weekend. Stupid School Tomorrow.

My heart bleeds no more
now, it's been turned to stone.
Your stomach feels sick for someone else.
I've broken both my legs falling for you.
Drag me on the ground.

Powerless I stand,
tarnished blade,
cutting through,
pushed into my vein.
Blood still stains my hands.
Sharpening in my sense of pain outside.

my heart bleeds no more.
now, it's been turned to stone.
You're stomach feels sick for someone else.
I've broken both my legs falling for you.
Drag me on the ground.
Killing everything off inside.
Make sense of everything you tried to hide,
hide from me.

My heart bleeds no more;
now, it's been turned to stone.
My stomach feels sore from cutting up.
I ruined all my sanctity for you.
Smash me on the ground.

I wanted to, convince myself there's nothing else to do.
I wanted to, provide you with proof of what you put me through.
I wanted to, pretend that it was you.
(you're the worst thing that ever happened to me.)


Killing everything off inside.
Make sense of everything you tried to hide, hide from me.
My heart bleeds no more;
now, it's been turned to stone.
You're stomach feels sick for someone else.
I've broken both my legs falling for you.
Smash me on the ground.

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